Ethical Principles Binding in the “Logopedia”
To ensure the high quality of publications and scientific integrity, the Editorial Board of “Logopedia” imposes the requirement of complying with the ethical principles specified below. These principles are binding both for authors of the submitted scientific texts, editors, reviewers and members of the Editorial Board.
Rights and Duties of Authors
The person recognized as the author of a text is one that has made his/her creative contribution to the development of the concept of the text, implementation of research, and interpretations of the obtained results. The person submitting a scientific article is obliged to provide information about all its authors, specifying their contribution to the creation of the text. The relevant form is placed on the website of the journal. The author should provide information about the sources of funding the publication and the contribution to its creation by research institutions, associations and other entities that may influence the obtained research results presented in the text of the article. The editors will document all manifestations of scientific dishonesty, in particular all infringements of the principles of ethics that are binding in science.
The Editors of “Logopedia” shall recognize the following practices as unlawful:
- plagiarism and self-plagiarism – articles submitted to “Logopedia” have to be original texts that do not violate the copyright of other parties or have been previously published or accepted for publication in another journal; actions connected with the submission of the text that is a translation into another language of a previously published text will also be recognized as unethical.;
- ghostwriting, guest authorship – in multi-author articles submitted to “Logopedia” it is necessary to specify the percentage contribution of individual authors to the creation of the article (the authorship of the conception, theoretical assumptions, the obtained research results), indicating their affiliations, sources of funding as well as the contribution of research institutions and other entities to the creation of the publication (financial disclosure); responsibility for providing this data rests with the author submitting the article; the detected case of ghostwritingand guest authorship will be exposed, and relevant entities will be informed (parent institutions that employ the authors, scientific societies, etc.).
Ghostwriting is understood as a situation where the person who has made a significant contribution to the creation of the text has not been named as one of the authors or whose role has not been mentioned in the acknowledgements contained in the publication.
Guest authorship is understood as a situation when the contribution of a person to the creation of the text is minor or none at all; nevertheless s/he has been named as one of the authors of the publication.
Source: the foregoing ethical principles have been prepared based on the Recommendations of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) specified in the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.